I started with the bell tower, and even grided the master copy so that I could more easily get proportion right.
This was the wrong way to go about it. I ended up scrapping this approach because trying to copy each square and figure out what the one and a quarter inch squares on the page meant to my two and three fourth inches on my page was just too time consuming. Plus everything was just way off, so I figured I would have better success by just doing an overall drawing and going from there.
The problem with that is that I had already done the bell tower and started working on these small details (which I've since learned to not jump into detail so quickly), and did not want to lose what I had already done. So I just took what I did, finished up the gesture realized there was no way I was going to fit everything from the Master onto my drawing. Yet my gesture was pretty close in terms of where actual lines ended up going down.
I think it turned out pretty good. It is obviously off here and there. I think after I finish putting on the shading some of that oddness will be covered up.
Here is a video of the process
and here is the finished piece (the file is pretty big so you can get a fairly good look at the detail if you click it)
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